Valley View Elementary School Handbook
- Attendance
- Communication
- Dress Code
- Game Rules
- Medication
- Non-Discrimination
- Other Policies
- Resources & Documents
- School Rules
Arrival Times
Students in grades 1-5 will attend school from 8:15 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Wednesday is a late start day, where students in grades 1-5 will attend school from 9:15 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. Morning Kindergarten students will start at 9:10 a.m. and end at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday. There is no change to the P.M. Kindergarten schedule on Wednesday. Students who are tardy need to have a written excuse from their parents Please be sure your children do not arrive at school before 8 a.m. (9 a.m. on Wednesday) and are picked up by 3 p.m. after school. Supervision is provided 15 minutes before and after school.
Districts do not receive funds for students who are not at school regardless of reason. However, if your child is ill or late for any reason, you must telephone the school attendance tape, (925) 426-4230, and leave his/her name, grade, teacher and reason for absence. If you do not call the tape number above our attendance clerk will call you at home or at work to verify your student is absent.
Perfect Attendance
Perfect attendance is recognized by an award given out the last day of school. Students who are recognized for perfect attendance have had no absences and no tardies. Achieving perfect attendance is a special honor and will be recognized as such.
Checking Students In And Out Of School
When it becomes necessary to check a student into school after classes begin, or when checking student out of school before the dismissal time, please do so from the office. Please do not take or pick the student up directly from the classroom. All guests and outside visitors must check in through the main school office. If a student needs to leave campus for a medical appointment, he/she must have written authorization from his/her parents and be signed out in the office. Students will only be released to adults listed on the emergency card.
Parents and interested community members are invited to visit our classrooms. Please phone the principal or the teacher to arrange a visitation. You are required to register at the office and receive a security badge before preceding to the classroom. School officials will ask you to return to the office if a security badge is not displayed.
If you need to come to school for any reason (drop off forgotten items, change transportation arrangements, etc.), please check in at the office. Do not go to the classroom. We will not interrupt classrooms with messages or calls.
Due to insurance and liability issues, non school aged children and out of town students may not stay in classrooms or play on the yard.
Teacher/Parent/School Communication
Valley View believes in ongoing communication between the teacher and the parent in order to best meet the needs of our students. Parents will receive the following formal communications from teachers:
1. Formal Report Card every trimester
2. Mid-Trimester Progress Reports for students who are not meeting grade level standards
3. Formal conference at the end of the first trimester
4. Conferences by request throughout the year
5. Telephone/email contact with or from parents
6. Student Success Team conferences when appropriate
Please phone your child’s teacher or the principal if you have concerns. We want to work together to promote your child’s progress.
Report Cards
With the adoption of the new state and district standards came the need for a new reporting system that could offer information that relates to those standards. The purpose of the new report card is to provide parents, students, and teachers information about progress toward meeting the standards. Research has shown that when there are specific targets (standards), learning can become more focused and thus increase. With this information parents are able to provide greater support to their child and the school.
How well a student is meeting the standards is measured in levels from 1 to 4. A ‘1’ indicates that a student is currently performing below the standards expected at his or her grade level. A ‘2’ indicates that a student is progressing toward meeting the standards. A ‘3’ indicates that he or she is consistently meeting the standards, and a ‘4’ indicates that a student exceeds the standards and may be working above grade level.
If a particular standard has not yet been assessed during either the first or second reporting period, then a student will receive a dot, indicating there is not sufficient data to report. A 1, 2, 3, or 4 does not equate to an A, B, C, etc. The numbers simply state where the child is in relation to meeting the rigorous standards of the grade level.
Academic Interventions
When a student experiences difficulty in meeting standards and benchmarks within a curricular area he/she may be deemed “at risk” of meeting grade level standards. In a partnership between school and home, the school staff will develop an intervention plan designed to give support and aid to the student. These intervention strategies may include specific in-class assistance, specialist support, possible extra-curricula opportunities as well as at-home support. Parent/teacher cooperation and communication is essential in meeting the needs of our students.
Progress Reports
Progress reports will be sent home midway between each report card period. The report will be used to indicate unsatisfactory progress and to alert parents to any problems their child might be having with any subject area, personal conduct, or work habits. They are designed to be quick and easy communicators between teachers and parents. Students displaying continual problems will receive a progress report every two weeks.
Progress reports are meant to save time, not create more work for anyone concerned. Maximum results can be obtained when parents cooperate fully. Progress reports will arrive home on announced dates published in the school newsletter and are to be returned signed within three days. Kindergarten and 1st grade parent conferences will be in November and March; progress reports will be given at that time.
Retention Policy
If the school or the parents consider the possibility of retention in a grade for another year, notification of the proposed retention and the reasons why will be given according to the district retention policy. Prior to the final decision, a meeting will be held with the parents, teachers, and administrators. It is extremely important that any concerns be communicated very early in the school year so that remediation can be pursued and the student’s progress monitored.
The purpose of homework is to reinforce skills, teach good study habits, and facilitate home-school communication. Homework is an assignment to be completed by the student. It is expected that the student will expend the same effort on homework assignments as on class work. Research finds that time spent doing homework directly affects a child’s achievement. By doing assigned homework, children will increase skills and do better in school. When requesting homework after an absence, please give the teacher 24 hours notice, if you would like to pick up the homework in the office. Many teachers have their homework assignments written on their whiteboard or posted in their window on a daily basis. After an absence, the teachers usually allow extra time for students to complete daily assignments so it is not necessary to pick up assignments if the child will be returning to school after a short absence. Please check with your child’s teacher for specific procedures for their classroom. If homework is requested, we will assume that it will be picked up and completed. Independent Study Contracts for planned absences of five (5) days or more must be requested two weeks prior to the student’s last day of school.
The amount of homework varies among teachers, as does the amount of time required by each students to complete the homework. In kindergarten and first grade, homework may be assigned daily, weekly or monthly. In the second through fifth grade, homework is usually four days a week. Homework may be assigned on the weekend. Homework assignments may be short-term or long term. When a student has more than one teacher, the student’s teachers will make an effort to coordinate assignments. Assignments are not so lengthy as to infringe on family life and normal social development.
Wednesday Envelope
Each Wednesday your child(ren) will bring home a manila envelope with school announcements. Teachers may use the Wednesday envelope for class newsletters, classroom announcements and/or assignments. Please sign the envelope and return to school the next day. Our goal is to improve communication by sending home information the same day each week. So look for the Wednesday Envelope. Valley View’s School Newsletter, “Valley View Voice”, is sent home electronically to those who have signed up for that or in your child’s Wednesday envelope. The Voice is printed on a weekly basis with up-to date information and will be sent home either electronically or in your child’s Weekly Envelope.
School Telephone
The school telephone is for emergency use only. Student may not phone home for homework projects, instruments or lunches. Please make all after school arrangements (transportation, Brownies, Cub Scouts, visits with friends, etc.) before your child arrives at school. A teacher or parent written request is necessary for student phone use.
School/Parent Communication
Regular communication about school activities, parent clubs, etc., is in the Kiddogram or in the School Calendar here at our website. The Kiddogram will be distributed to your student at school weekly. Please read the Kiddogram with your child. Parents are also encouraged to attend School Site Council (SSC) and Parent Faculty Club (PFC) meetings. Dates and times of PFC and SSC meetings will be sent home with students during the first month of school.
Pleasanton Unified School District offers Pleasanton families an easy new way to stay connected with what's happening in their local public schools. School and district information will be sent to "subscribers" weekly (or more often, in times of crisis).
Dress Code
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The weather is getting warmer and we wish to send out this reminder about dress code regulations that apply to students in all schools in the Pleasanton Unified School District. The following items are addressed in PUSD Board Policy; Administrative Regulations (AR 5132A)
- Hats, caps and other head coverings shall not be worn indoors.
- Dark glasses shall not be worn indoors, except for valid reasons authorized by the administration and verified in writing by a physician.
- Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. Halter tops, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs, and skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh are prohibited.
- Shorts cannot be shorter than the tips of the person’s finger tips when the arms are extended naturally at the side.
I have asked teachers and school staff to monitor adherence to the dress code guidelines listed above and to contact parents with reminders on an as needed basis before referring students to the administration. Please feel free to contact me for more information about dress code guidelines or any other matter that needs my attention.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our school.
Soraya Villaseñor
Valley View Principal
Estimados padres y tutores:
El clima está cambiando al estar por comenzar la primavera. Queremos enviar este recordatorio acerca de las regulaciones del código de vestimenta que se aplican a los estudiantes en todas las escuelas del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Pleasanton. Los siguientes artículos se refieren a la Política del Consejo del Distrito Escolar (PUSD), de acuerdo a los Reglamentos Administrativos (5132 AR)
- Sombreros , gorras y otros artículos de protección solar, no deben ser usados en el interior de los edificios.
- Los anteojos oscuros no deben ser usados en interiores, excepto por razones válidas autorizadas por la administración y verificadas por escrito por parte de un médico
- La ropa debe cubrir la ropa interior en todo momento. Están prohibidas las camisetas de tirantes (“halter tops”) sin manga o escotes, camisetas cortas con el estómago descubierto y las faldas o pantalones cortos arriba de la mitad del muslo.
- Los pantalones cortos (shorts), no pueden ser más cortos que las puntas de los dedos de la persona, al extender los brazos de forma natural a los lados de las piernas.
He pedido a los maestros y al personal escolar, el supervisar el cumplimiento de las directrices del código de vestimenta antes mencionados, así como comunicarse con los padres por medio de recordatorios, antes de mandar a los estudiantes a la dirección escolar. No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo para obtener más información sobre las pautas del código de vestir o cualquier otro asunto que necesite de mi atención. Gracias por su apoyo continúo a nuestra escuela.
Game Rules
Elementary Four-Square
- The "A" square always serves.
- Serves must be underhanded, with both hands.
- When a player makes a mistake, he/she always returns to the "D" square.
- The ball must hit in a square one time before it can be hit into another square.
- The ball may not be caught or held.
- The ball may not be double-hit.
- If the ball hits a line, the ball is out.
- A player may not hit the ball to the same person two times in a row.
- All players must play safely.
- "Rock, Paper, Scissors" settles all disagreements.
Tether Ball
- The game begins when one player "serves". The player who won the previous game is the server.
- The new player chooses which side to stand on and which direction he/she would like to hit the ball.
- The new player must hit the ball at least once for the game to be official.
- Each play must stay on his/her side at all times.
- Players may not hold or catch the ball.
- Players may not touch the rope or touch the pole.
- Players may not hit the ball more than twice while it is on his/her side.
- The winning player may not play more than three games in a row.
- Players not following the above rules must return to the end of the line.
- "Rock, Paper, Scissors" settles all disagreements.
"Big Toy"
- Tag or any other games are not allowed on the equipment or in the area.
- The only way allowed down the slide is feet first in a sitting position.
- Students may not block or stop on any slide at anytime. Only one student at a time down the slide.
- Ripping in "Big Toy" area is never allowed.
- Jumping off the slide is never allowed and extremely dangerous.
- Bottom of slide area must remain clear for students coming down.
- Common Sense is always the rule on the "Big Toy".
Ball Wall
- Ball Walls are not made for tennis balls, baseballs or anything other than school issued balls.
- Only one ball per court and only two students at a time inside the court. Each ball wall has two courts.
- Students must line up orderly as they wait their turn inside the court.
- All playground areas are open. Therefore, there is no "claiming or saving" the court by any student.
Procedures for Administering Medications in School
In those cases where the principal decides that a parent request for administration of medication to a student at school is to be honored, the following procedures will be observed:
- The administration of medication to pupils shall be done only in exceptional circumstances wherein the child’s health may be jeopardized without it and only when such administration has been requested and approved by the student’s parents and physician (in the case of prescription medication.)
- Pupils requiring medications at school shall be identified to the school by parents and/or physician. Students are not allowed to carry or take medication, unless under the supervision of the school official designated to supervise the procedure, as described in #4 below.
- A written statement shall be required, with prescription medication of:
- The family physician, who shall indicate the necessity of said medication being given to the child during school hours; (pill bottle as described in #4 will suffice).
- The parents, who shall request and authorize the designated school personnel to give said medication in the dosage so prescribed by the physician.
- The parents will be requested to secure from the physician a prescription for duplicate supplies of said medication, one supply to be kept at home and one to be kept in school. The school principal will designate the person at the school to be responsible for the supply of medication at the school and under no circumstances is said medication to be kept in the classroom. Both supplies shall contain the name and telephone number of the pharmacy, the pupil’s identification, name of the physician, and dosage of the medication to be given. Taking the dosage shall be supervised by designated school personnel at a time conforming with the physician’s indicated dosage schedule. Medications are not to be accepted unless in a prescription bottle as described above.
- All medication must be stored in a locked container available only to authorized personnel.
- Over-the-counter medication must be in original container with dosage and frequency of administration clearly indicated. All medication administered at school requires a written statement signed by the parent and the physician for prescription and over the counter medications.
- Request for the administration of medication by school personnel must be renewed with the school annually.
- Medication left in the office at the end of the school year will be discarded.
The district's programs and activities shall provide equal access to and shall not unlawfully discriminate based on actual race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics and against students who are members of special populations. Special populations include, but are not limited to, students with disabilities; students from economically disadvantaged families, including foster youth; students preparing for nontraditional fields; single parents and single pregnant females; displaced homemakers; and students with limited English proficiency. (20 USC 2302, 2354, 2373)
(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)
(cf. 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures)
Other Policies
Grading Policy
Grading policy and procedures have changed with the implementation of standards-based report cards in grades K-5. Students are graded according to their individual ability as determined by their progress or achievement. All students and their parents receive communication regarding their work/study habits, progress, and ability levels through parent conference(s), on trimester report cards, and progress notes.
Retention Policy
If the school or the parents consider the possibility of retention in a grade for another year, notification of the proposed retention and the reasons why will be given according to the district retention policy. Prior to the final decision, a meeting will be held with the parents, teachers, and administrators. It is extremely important that any concerns be communicated very early in the school year so that remediation can be pursued and the student's progress monitored.
We encourage our students to eat a well-balanced lunch each day. Milk is available for purchase during lunch. Hot lunches are available for purchase on a weekly ($11.25) or a daily basis ($2.50). Forgotten lunches may be left in the office for student pick-up during recess or in the cafeteria during lunch. Noon supervisors will pick up late lunches from the office at 11 a.m. and take to lunch area.
We do not encourage students to charge their lunches. Student forgetting or losing their money, however, may charge up to $6.75. A notice of charges will be sent home when the account is seriously overdrawn. Students who have accounts exceeding $6.75 will not be allowed to charge until the account is paid. Please let the office know if you need financial assistance in this area.
Lost and Found
Our lost and found box is located in the multi-purpose room. Please try and mark your child’s clothing before they wear it to school. Each year we collect a large amount of unclaimed items which are simply left at school. If your child loses an article or item, please check the lost and found box first. Thank you for your help and support. All unclaimed lost and found items will be given to a local charity at the end of each trimester.
Lost or Damaged Books
Students are responsible for the cost of replacing all lost or damaged texts and library books. Please help your child(ren) develop a sense of pride in their school materials which encourages them to take care of the items.
Radios, skate boards, trading cards, walkman, etc., are not allowed at school. These items can be disruptive in and out of class and many times they get lost or damaged. We do not want students upset due to the loss or damage of an expensive item. Please help us enforce this policy. Primary students need the permission of their instructors before bringing such items to school for sharing.
Inclement Weather
During inclement weather, students arriving at school in the morning will go into the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR). Supervision will be available. We ask that students not stand in the rain waiting for the bells to ring. During inclement weather students will eat in the MPR and be dismissed to their classrooms.
School Safety Procedures
Valley View conducts regular safety drills for students and staff. These drills include: fire drills, earthquake drills, and safety “lock-down of classroom” drills.
A Safe-School Binder, which contains the school safety plan, is available for parent review in the school office.
Pleasanton Unified School District’s “Nondiscrimination, Sexual Harassment , and Complaint Procedures” are included in this handbook.
Electrical Energy Crisis — Rolling Blackouts
During a rolling blackout, students will not be dismissed and our schedule will remain the same. The safest place for students during a blackout within the school hours is at school.
Our building allows for the sunlight to help illuminate the classrooms. Our teachers are prepared in an event we experience a rolling blackout. For your information, our emergency evacuation system has a four hour battery back up. We will be able to safely evacuate our school should an emergency occur during a blackout.
Resources & Documents
- 2015-16 Annual Notice (English)
- 2015-16 Annual Notice (Spanish)
- Admin Regulation - Food for School functions
- AHERA-Asbestos Notification English
- AHERA-Asbestos Notification Spanish
- Cyberbullyingflyer
- EmergencyCommunicationLtr.14-15
- GATE Parent Nomination Form 12-13
- GATE-Parent-Nomination-Form-14-15-2
- Med Consent Form English 2014-v2
- Med Consent Form Spanish 2014-v2
- Pre-Approved Absence Form
- PUSD Calendar Committee Application
- Tobacco Flyer Updated 6-12-2012
School Rules
Each teacher and class creates and implements the rules that they will need in order to maintain a positive learning environment. These rules, consequences, and rewards will be shared with parents.
Students are to freeze when the bell rings and wait for a whistle to be blown dismissing them to their class lines. Students are to walk, not run, to their lines.
- Inappropriate language is never tolerated at anytime.
- Students must obey the instruction of all the yard duty supervisors. Supervisors will administer passes to students who request to enter the school building. The passes will have the child's name and destination.
- Students will not interfere with other children's games or harass other students. Failure to show mutual respect will not be tolerated at anytime.
- Climbing the fences is never allowed for any reason.
- Students must always use the playground equipment safely.
- Games that are rough or dangerous are not tolerated. Chicken fighting or deliberately punching, tripping, hitting or knocking down another student is a serious offense. Tag games or chasing others are only allowed on the open grass field.
- Students are only permitted to kick balls in designated areas such as ball walls, grass and kickball diamond. Bouncing balls on the school walls or hitting the tether balls after the bell rings is not permitted.
- Students may not return to their classrooms once they are dismissed for recess or lunch.
- Students will be escorted by their teacher to the multi-purpose room or designated lunch area.
- Students will stay with their class in line. No cutting in line, yelling or popping bags is allowed.
- Throwing of food or other objects is never allowed and is considered a serious offense.
- No food or drink is allowed on the playground.
- Students will not be dismissed until all trash in the area is picked up and thrown away.
- Restrooms are to be used for bathroom purposes only.
- Screaming, running or playing in the restroom or around them is never allowed and considered a serious offense.
- Restrooms must be left neat and clean. Paper products inappropriately disposed of is considered very serious.
- Food and drinks are not allowed in the restrooms.
- Students will respect another person's right to privacy.
The Valley View bike rack is located near the multi-purpose room. If you ride your bike to school, please lock your bike in the bike rack. All students in grades 2 through 5 may ride their bikes to school. If you ride your bike to school, please remember:
- Follow all bike safety rules.
- Walk your bike inside the bike rack and no riding on any area of the campus.
- Bring a lock for your bike. You must lock your bike. You may not lock up with a friend.
- You never have permission to thrash, trash, vandalize, or ghost ride a bike. If you do, you may loose bike privileges for the remainder of the year.
- Please be extremely careful when you leave school to go home. Walk your bike off campus and then ride carefully.
- The school has no legal responsibility for bikes. Damaged or stolen bikes are the financial responsibility of the owner.
- For your protection, do not decorate your bicycle with easily removable parts.
- We encourage you to register your bicycles at the police department or city hall.
Be sure you have an established route to and from school that the whole family agrees on. Please cross at corners and obey the crossing guards. Also, do not arrive at school more than 5 to 10 minutes before class. Be sure to have rainy day plans arranged in advance!