Kindergarten DLI Information
Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program Enrollment at Valley View
DLI Informational Night 2024/2025
DLI Flyer (English)
Panfleto de DLI (Spanish)
PUSD's Dual Immersion Program is an Alternate Program for English Learners (EL) and English Only (EO) students to acquire academic proficiency in two languages. PUSD’s Dual Language Immersion program is English & Spanish, together with mastery of academic State Standards and cultural proficiency for all participating students.This program is held at Valley View Elementary, feeds to Pleasanton Middle School and finishes at Foothill High School where chosen Core classes are taught in Spanish.
If you'd like to apply for enrollment in the Dual Immersion Language Program, please complete the following steps:
Complete your Enrollment (for students new to PUSD) at your school of residence and inform them that you are applying for DLI. The enrollment process opens around the beginning of February of the school year prior to your child’s Kindergarten year.
If your school of residence is any site other than Valley View, but within PUSD, complete the Open Enrollment Application after your enrollment is complete.
If your school is outside of PUSD, complete the Interdistrict Transfer Application, which opens March 1st of the school year prior to your child’s Kindergarten year.
Once the above steps are completed, entrance into the program is determined using the following guidelines, AND on a first-come first-served basis, which means that your chances of admission are greatly improved by completing the entire above process as soon as the enrollment process is open.
Acceptance of applicants into the DLI Program starting in Kindergarten is based on the following priorities:
1st Priority:
Spanish speakers as determined by proficiency tests given by Valley View staff.
2nd Priority:
Students in PUSD’s attendance area with a sibling currently in the DLI program.
3rd Priority:
Students in PUSD’s attendance area.
4th Priority:
Students outside of PUSD’s attendance area.